
There are different methods to install easytest.

Using conda (not working yet)

The `easytest`package can be installed using conda as:

conda install [-n YOURENV] -c conda-forge easytest

This will resolve also automatically for any potential dependencies.

Using pip

The easytest package is provided on pip. Installation is as easy as:

pip install easytest

The standard python way

You can also download the source code package from the project website or from pip. Unpack the file you obtained into some directory (it can be a temporary directory) and then run:

python install

If might be that you might need administrator rights for this step, as the program tries to install into system library pathes. To install into a user specific directory you can just do

python install –home=xxxxxxxxxx

From code repository

Installation from the most recent code repository is also very easy in a few steps:

# get the code
cd /go/to/my/directory/
git clone .

# set the python path (consider putting these commands into your .bashrc)

Test installation sucess

Independent how you installed easytest, you should test that it was sucessfull by the following tests:

python -c "import easytest"

If you don’t get an error message, the module import was sucessfull.